Rabbit Proofing for your Indoor Rabbit

When moving your rabbit indoors, that means that you need to rabbit proof the area where you will be moving your bunny.
 1. Electrical Cords
 This is the one of the greatest dangers in the home for a rabbit. When a rabbit chews on a electrical cord, he can get serious injury or die by getting electrocuted. This is your responsibility as a rabbit owner to make sure your rabbit cannot get to them. Something you can do to prevent this is to block off the wires with a bigger piece of furniture that is in your home.

Cord covers are also a way that you
use to keep wires away from your bunny.
2. Baseboards
 Some rabbits like to chew on baseboards, you can prevent this by covering them up with little boards.
3. Unsafe Areas
Areas that you don't want your rabbit getting into such as, closet, under the bed, etc. can be blocked off by baby gates, dog X-Pens, wire square grids, etc. 

4. Plants
Move away house plants away from the rabbit room as some can be poisonous to your rabbit.

1. Since your rabbit will be moving in, you might have a change in your life as your room should always be clean from all the random stuff that is usually floating around your floor. 
2. Make sure you have plenty of chew toys for your rabbit so he doesn't destruct something that is of value to you.


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