Indoor Rabbits: Pros and Cons

Have you ever dreamed of a little Holland Lop hopping behind you as you walk through your room? I have. It has happened to me and it is a great feeling! I will be going over the different reasons why or why not to house your rabbit indoors.


1. One of the top reasons to indoor rabbits is being away from wild predators. This is a big danger to those rabbits that live outdoors. Even in a "Predator Safe" cage, rabbits have been killed over this problem. It is best to house your rabbit indoors for his safety if at all possible!

2. Indoor rabbits always seem to be a lot more tamer since they are around you whenever you are in your room.

3. Temperatures for rabbits that live outdoors is also something to be aware of. Rabbits easily can get overheated in the summer and die, housing a rabbit indoors prevents this, as most people keep their house at a reasonable temperature.

4. Rabbits are social animals and need lots attention. You should be spending around 2 hours at least with your rabbit daily. Most outdoor rabbits don't get the attention that the indoor rabbits receive.

5. Since you see your rabbit more often and spend more time with it indoors, you can tell easily if your rabbit is acting sick, or is injured, since you know what his personality is like regularly.

6. Also, there is less risk of disease when your rabbit lives indoors.


1. If untrained dogs and cats live in your house, make sure you keep your rabbit away from where your rabbit could get near and hurt your bunny.

2. Housing your rabbit indoors also means that you have a litter box to clean out once or twice daily....which for most people is not a pleasant chore.

3. Rabbits that live indoors can cause a lot of damage to your home. They like to dig in carpets, chew on baseboards, chew on electrical wires etc. It depends on what kind of characteristics your rabbit has. Luckily, my indoor rabbits that I have had, have been good and have not caused damage.

4. Rabbits can be electrocuted by chewing on electrical wires, causing serious injury or death.

Most of these cons can be avoided if you Bunny Proof your room correctly.


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